Monday, November 7, 2011

CVS: Week of 11/06 $4.05 money maker!!

OK, so at first I wasn't thrilled with this week's CVS ad and considered skipping them all together.
Then I discovered that you can right now get a $2/ANY Kashi Product coupon from RECYCLE BANK for just 75 points! With the 50 points I had sitting in my account, and the additional points I earned in just a few minutes just for watching short videos and answering a few questions, I was able to print SIX of those coupons! (Will let you print TWO per reward!) Once I did that, it was ON!

 Here's what I got and how it all breaks down: Purchased:

(2) Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal
 (4) Kashi TLC Bars
(1) Lysol Wipes
 (2) Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief Toothpaste
 (1) All Laundry Detergent
 (3) .99 Hallmark Cards
(1) illy Issimo Coffee Drink

 Total for everything before sale prices or coupons: $65.15
Total after sale prices but before coupons: $37.44
Sales Savings: $27.71

 Coupons Used: (6) $2/1 Kashi Product (RECYCLE BANK)
(1)$1/1 Lysol Wipes (OCT ALL YOU MAGAZINE)
 (2) $1/1 Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief Toothpaste (11/6 SS)
 (1) $1/1 All Detergent
 (1) FREE Issimo Coffee Drink (Printed from the CVS coupon machine last week)
(1) $10.00 CVS gift card earned last week.
 Total value of coupons/gift card: $27.49

 Total after sales and coupons/gift card: $8.95!!

 I then recieved a $10.00 gift card of my choice. The Kashi, Lysol, Colgate, and All were part of the spend $30 get a $10 gift card promo. I chose a CVS gift card so that I can roll my savings into next week! I also received $3.00 ECB for buying 3 Hallmark Cards. (Check your local AD).

 All told, this trip was a $4.05 money maker! (I'm glad I didn't skip CVS this week after all!)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome... I love the Kashi bars. Not too fond of the cereal. But you did great!

